Monday, April 10, 2017


Proud to present my teams movie "Unlaced" I hope you guys like it because it took a lot of time, effort and lack of sleep. It has been great working with these guys and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. So grab some popcorn, grab a friend and ENJOY!

The actual target for our movie

So i had already done a blog post about target audience but not For the genre that our movie ended up being. As you guys know we decided to go with the genre drama because we feel that with that genre we can relate issues of the 21st century (like gay acceptance in our film). Drama target audiences are usually geared to a broad audience because most people can relate with the events that occur. In our film the target audience is between young to middle aged adult male and females of middle or upper class. This movie appeals to the target because they are the youth of the world and they are more accepting to change. although our opening is vague on these issues it would be later in the filmed that there issues would be touched as you have read in my previous posts. I also felt like this was agreed towards the younger audiences because most of them like Brennan, the main character, are confused about their sexuality and personally i feel as if though somebody wants to be gay then they should have the serenity to do as they please without anyone bothering them or them bothering anyone.
This movie serves as example to our target audience on what not to do in a stressful situation.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Last day of filming!

So exited to announce that we finished our last day of filming on April 4th. We filmed a couple of important scenes. One of the scenes we filmed was one that indicates that Brennan is gay but in a subtle way. It was a mid shot of him from a low angle pulling a picture frame from under the bed and smashing it on the ground. Later in the movie we find out that the picture frame was of Leo and him holding hands.
To get the high angle shot of the car going by we got harrison (the most uncoordinated of the four) to get up on a tree and balance himself.

This is how we got the high angle shot of the tree as you see
Harrison is pretty high up and we were lucky enough to find a
tree that had a branch cut off so that Harrison could stand.

Even though don't have the best gadgets to film and what not
I feel as though we have done a fantastic job to film with the help of the techniques we have learned in class

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Character Background

Hey guys I feel like I have talked about this movie too much without explaining the characters too much. In our opening we have 4 characters possibly 5 but for now we for sure have Brennan, Leo, Franklin, and Pablo. We may add a female character if needed...

Brennan (played by Austin Dunne) - An 18 year old male with black hair and blue eyes who is confused on his sexual preference and part of the reason he is confused is because he is very involved with his church. He is also confused on that because he is low key a homophobe. He is Leo's Secret lover but uses his girlfriend Cassandra as a disguise to his Identity.

Leo (played by harrison Miller) - An 17 year old, openly gay male with brown hair and green eyes, Brennan's secret lover and best friend but wants to come out into the light with it, murdered accidentally by Brennan.

Franklin (played by Jonathan Blake Linder)- An 18 year old male who is friends with Brennan, Leo and Pablo but way closer to Pablo than the other 2. If Franklin is called anything besides Franklin including (Frank, Frankie, Fran etc.) he gets really mad and starts crying. 

Pablo (played by Andrés Reveiz)- An 18 year old male who is best friends with Franklin but also  friends with Brennan and leo. He is a jokester and loves to dance. To mess around he calls Franklin by nicknames just to see his reactions. He is currently the only one of the group who has a car.

Filming Day

Today we started the filming of our two minute opening! We started by meeting around 1pm at Markham Park in Sunrise,  Florida. We wanted to film in this place known as the "Hobo Hole" which is a tunnel for construction workers on the high way. Although we didn't film inside of the physical hole, we filmed along the slope needed to get to it. Since the death of leo occurred through the actions of Brennan accidentally pushing Leo off the slope. We purpose made it look as though it looked like Leo died from jumping off the highway bridge. We didn't film the actual death scene because thats not part of our 2 minute opening. What we ultimately are gonna end up editing the film of "Leo dead" and all the scenery shots at Markham is the title opening accompanied with dramatic music to bring excitement and mystery to the viewer. We took shots of the highway, forest plants and the shoe "Leo" was wearing to create the title scene.

This is what the area looks like where the murder occurred. In the background you can see the slope.

Welcome to Markham Park .com. (n.d.). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from

D. (2008, August 5). Bridge overpass in Florida highway at the 595/I-75 junction. Retrieved April 02, 2017, from

Friday, March 31, 2017

A Fixed Idea... Finally

Hey all! Happy Friday! Since Fridays are fun and relaxed I would like to take this time to tell you about the movie we are going to start filming this weekend. 

The movie revolves around our main character who is gay... but not openly. We don't know this at first, in the beginning of the movie we think he is straight. In the movie the main characters best friend , Leo, had "gone missing" or at least that is what is presumed. The first half of the movie is the main character and his friends go out on excursions to look for their beloved friend but, it carries on for too long and his friends start to worry... They start to question if Leo is still alive. A couple weeks later they get a call from the police saying that they found Leo's body in an abandoned field. Later in the film we find out It was the main character, Brennan, which means sorrow in Gaelic Ireland, killed Leo through matching handwriting on "Leo's" suicide note. We aren't sure why he killed his best friend until the end when he comes out as gay but didn't that he didn't want to have people know. At the end of the film he is so overwhelmed with hate that he ultimately kills himself. (This is a loose plot subject to change). 

Rivers, F. (2012, February 10). Brennan. Retrieved March 31, 2017, from