Sunday, April 2, 2017

Character Background

Hey guys I feel like I have talked about this movie too much without explaining the characters too much. In our opening we have 4 characters possibly 5 but for now we for sure have Brennan, Leo, Franklin, and Pablo. We may add a female character if needed...

Brennan (played by Austin Dunne) - An 18 year old male with black hair and blue eyes who is confused on his sexual preference and part of the reason he is confused is because he is very involved with his church. He is also confused on that because he is low key a homophobe. He is Leo's Secret lover but uses his girlfriend Cassandra as a disguise to his Identity.

Leo (played by harrison Miller) - An 17 year old, openly gay male with brown hair and green eyes, Brennan's secret lover and best friend but wants to come out into the light with it, murdered accidentally by Brennan.

Franklin (played by Jonathan Blake Linder)- An 18 year old male who is friends with Brennan, Leo and Pablo but way closer to Pablo than the other 2. If Franklin is called anything besides Franklin including (Frank, Frankie, Fran etc.) he gets really mad and starts crying. 

Pablo (played by Andrés Reveiz)- An 18 year old male who is best friends with Franklin but also  friends with Brennan and leo. He is a jokester and loves to dance. To mess around he calls Franklin by nicknames just to see his reactions. He is currently the only one of the group who has a car.

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